Cost of commissioned work varies depending on size and detail.
To purchase a painting from the gallery or to order a custom piece go to the contact page to email or call me directly.
Return Policy:
ALL SALES GUARANTEED. If the work does not meet your expectations in any way, return the painting(s) in original condition for a full refund of the selling price within 30 days of purchase. (Return postage, shipping insurance, and tracking required.)
Please note:
Your computer monitor's color-display and resolution settings might make images displayed on this website look slightly different from in-hand, full-light-spectrum reality. The artist has made all effort to render the art featured on this website as it truly looks in reality.
Copyright Informtion:
Louisa McHugh retains all copyrights to this Artwork; copyright does not transfer with sale or possession of original Artwork. Artwork may not be reproduced, copied or scanned by any means, mechanically or digitally, without permission in writing from the Artist. By agreeing to any purchase from this website, the buyer implicitly accepts and agrees to these conditions.
Cost of commissioned work varies depending on size and detail.
To purchase a painting from the gallery or to order a custom piece go to the contact page to email or call me directly.
Return Policy:
ALL SALES GUARANTEED. If the work does not meet your expectations in any way, return the painting(s) in original condition for a full refund of the selling price within 30 days of purchase. (Return postage, shipping insurance, and tracking required.)
Please note:
Your computer monitor's color-display and resolution settings might make images displayed on this website look slightly different from in-hand, full-light-spectrum reality. The artist has made all effort to render the art featured on this website as it truly looks in reality.
Copyright Informtion:
Louisa McHugh retains all copyrights to this Artwork; copyright does not transfer with sale or possession of original Artwork. Artwork may not be reproduced, copied or scanned by any means, mechanically or digitally, without permission in writing from the Artist. By agreeing to any purchase from this website, the buyer implicitly accepts and agrees to these conditions.